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By opting for  a  program  traditional  combining  strength and conditioning, we seek to use our training methods as a tool to foster and hone your  focus and teamwork.


Beneath fatigue and discomfort, recovery between efforts and the ability to quickly shift between a variety of resistances and speeds, as well as building true "strength".


Our program  teamwork and our coaching can encompass everything.


Through a comprehensive off-season strength and conditioning program, standout session(s) focusing on skills, drills, strength building or just a "team building" session, looking to foster camaraderie in the face of serious hard work and "quick thinking under fatigue". Game-changing skills to have on the playground.


Off-season training on request


If you would like to inquire about off-season training and strengthening/cohesion

of the team with Straussfit Fitness, click on "Inquire about the protocol".









Important : All classes and sessions must be pre-booked.



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